22 new deliverables available
The WeKnowIt consortium has decided to make public a series of 22 deliverables originally meant to be confidential. The following deliverables are now available for download from the deliverables page:
- D1.3 User Modelling and dialogue management
- D7.2 Emergency response and consumers social group case study design and specification
- D2.1.1 Initial implementation of intelligent media analysis tools
- D3.1 Prototype of mass question answering
- D4.1.1 Initial community analysis tools
- D6.2.1 Definition and implementation of APIs version 1
- D6.3 Design, architecture and implementation of the knowledge base
- D4.2 Prototype of community management platform
- D1.2 Personal knowledge management technologies
- D6.4.1 Integration of WP 1-5 tools and common components version 1
- D7.6.1 Initial consumer and emergency response use case evaluation protocols
- D7.3.1 Initial emergency response case study implementation
- D5.3.1 Prototypical Knowledge Sharing Interaction Methodology
- D6.2.2 Definition and implementation of APIs version 2
- D8.4.1 Video showcase specification
- D4.3 Community browser and graphical user interface elements and evaluation
- D6.5.2 Final data sets collection and integration
- D1.4 User profiling and personalisation tools
- D2.3 Social Media Intelligence techniques
- D4.4 Implementation of service modules for cross-usage
- D7.3.2 Emergency response case study implementation
- D7.6.2 Final consumer and emergency response use case evaluation protocols
- D5.3.2 Final Knowledge Sharing Interaction Methodology