28. November 2013

MULTISENSOR is an EU funded research project, which aims at advancing the research and development of multilingual media analysis technologies.
The goal is to enable users (e.g. journalists, entrepreneurs) to attain a comprehensive and exact understanding of topics they are engaged in, not only from their own but from multiple viewpoints.
MULTISENSOR stands for Mining and Understanding of multilinguaL contenT for Intelligent Sentiment Enriched coNtext and Social Oriented inteRpretation
Scanning multiple heterogeneous sources MULTISENSOR will help gather and semantically integrate various local subjective and biased views disseminated via TV, radio, mass media websites and social media.
Using sentiment, social and spatiotemporal methods MULTISENSOR will then help to interpret, relate and summarize economic information and news items.
Have we caught your attention?
If you are interested in reading more about the project and its goals, the envisioned outcome of MULTISENSOR or would like to download some of our data so far, feel free to roam around the menu.