Multisensor Demonstrators
Listed below are the three Multisensor Demonstrators, the project has been working on over the last two years. Each Demonstrator corresponds to one of the three Use Cases, Journalism, Media Monitoring and Internationalisation.
Please feel free to experiment with all three demonstrators. Do keep in mind, that these demonstrators are early prototypes of a combination of the modules we’re researching. That means that not all features will work properly all the time. There might be technical issues or not enough proper content at times.
We’de love to get your feedback on features, usability and possible improvements.
You can also contact us with questions, should you encounter any problems while using the prototypes.
Use Case 1 – Journalism
The UC1 demonstrator supports media professionals (e.g. journalist, media expert) to find relevant information in different formats and languages coming from different sources, and according to the social activities that were produced around.
The UC1 application should provide support:
- In understanding the specific meaning of a textual document independent of the language, tone and idioms in use.
- In summarising the content of very complex and heterogeneous texts and bringing out the most important information of the original document.
- In identifying related content and in combining textual data with other related data, especially multimedia items.
- In finding out more about the contributors of specific information as well as about how a story (a news event, a promotional campaign) evolves over time.
- In visualising social media conversations according to relevancy or other criteria of choice.
Use Case 2 – Media Monitoring
The UC2 application depicts the typical workflow of a media monitoring company, in this case with a household appliances client. It provides a data curation section where editors can filter noise from a query and an analysis section that visualises relevant information.

Click on the image to open the demonstrator.
You will have to create an account to enter the prototype.
The UC2 application should provide support:
- In understanding the specific meaning of a textual document independent of the language, tone and idioms in use.
- In grasping large amounts of news by prestructuring them in an intelligent way.
- In summarising the content of very complex and heterogeneous texts and bringing out the most important information of the original document.
- In finding and visualising topics, stakeholders and opinions about a company and its products.
- In finding out more about the contributors of specific information as well as about how a story (a news event, a promotional campaign) evolves over time.
- In visualising social media conversations according to relevancy or other criteria of choice.
Use Case 3 – Internationalisation
The UC3 application helps SMEs to start a process of internationalization with any kind of products. Relevant information related to the countries, the economic situation of the market, the legal information, etc. can easily be retrieved to support the decision making.
The UC3 application should provide support:
- In understanding the specific meaning of a textual document independent of the language, tone and idioms in use.
- In identifying content (e.g. market data, legal texts) as well as institutions/persons that are relevant to their business goals.
- In summarising the content of very complex and heterogeneous texts and bringing out the most important information of the original document.
- In organising information about different markets according to specific criteria.