Micro, Petita i Mitiana Empresa de Catalunya

Logo PIMECPIMEC is an organisation that represents the employers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and also the self-employed workers of Catalonia, based in Barcelona. It was founded in 1997 with the mission of defending and representing the interests of the SMEs and to be present in all the consultation and debating for the autonomous, state and European Administrations through the UEAPME (European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) PIMEC is member to the UEAPME since 1999, and it is a partner founder. PIMEC has 103,68 employees. Pimec has expertise in EU Projects, and currently we are colaborating in 6 EU Projects.


Project role:

PIMEC will design the use case on SME internationalization and will be involved in evaluating, testing and disseminating the result of the project. Furthermore we have the promotion to the MULTISENSOR platform.



  • WP9,task 9.1 (lead): PIMEC will be organizing demonstrations, promotions, work groups, etc.
  • participation all other WPs except for WP1


People involved:

Joaquim Ferrer is the Director of the international technical department of PIMEC. Joaquim Ferrer, who will support WP9, holds an MBA from the IESE University of Navarre and an Industrial-Business Management Master from IQS, Barcelona. His role is to consult and support the internationalization of SMEs. He is also a director of international cooperation projects and a lecturer in IQS, Barcelona in topics relevant to industrial business management.
Míriam Sabaté is an Export Manager working in the international technical department. Míriam Sabaté, who will support WP8, is in charge of assisting SMEs in internationalization. She has a degree in International from ESCI-UPF, Barcelona. Besides, she holds a Business Science Degree from Pompeu Fabra and Sales Management Higher Programme from ESIC Business and Marketing School.
Teresa Forrellat is an Export Manager working in the international technical department. Teresa Forrellat, who will support all groups, also holds a degree in International Business from ESCI-UPF, Barcelona. Teresa through the international department is offering to SMEs mechanisms and services to enhance their export and indentify the major markets for their internationalization.