Assist.Prof. Panagiotis Bamidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece), “Cognitive and physical training games for elderly: how effective are they“: Bamidis_DemAAL2013

Prof. Jenny Benoit-Pineau (University of Bordeaux 1, France), “Elements of behaviour recognition with ego-centric visual sensors“: Pineau_DemAAL2013

Prof. Claudio Bettini (University of Milan, Italy), “Context modelling and reasoning, ontology-based context-aware activity recognition“: Bettini_DemAAL2013

Dr. Antonis Bikakis (University College London, UK), “Rule-based Contextual Reasoning in Ambient Intelligence“: Bikakis_DemAAL2013

Dr. Francois Bremond (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France), “Video Monitoring for assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease symptoms“: Bremond_DemAAL2013

Dr.Ceyhun Burak Akgül (Vistek ISRA Vision, Turkey), “Machine Learning Models for Action Recognition“: Akgul_DemAAL2013

Prof. Cem Ersoy (Boğaziçi University, Turkey), “Sensor Networks“: Ersoy_DemAAL2013

Dr. Kate Irving (Dublin City University, Ireland), “Ethnographic approaches to ambient assisted living design for people with dementia“: Irving_DemAAL2013

Dr. Laura Klaming (Philips Research, The Netherlands), “(Neuro)pschology of dementia, lifestyle factors and dementia“

Prof. Chris Nugent (University of Ulster, UK), “Designing and evaluating Cognitive Prosthetics for persons with mild dementia“: Nugent_DemAAL2013

Prof. Mounir Mokhtari (CNRS/Institut Mines-Téléxom, France), “Quality of Life of ageing people having mild dementia“: Mokhtari_DenAAL2013

Prof. Adrian Paschke (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), “Semantic Complex Event Processing “: Paschke_DemAAL2013

Dr. Daniel Roggen (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), “Human activity recognition. Opportunistic, collective, crowd-sourced“: Roggen_DemAAL2013

Prof. O. Uğur Sezerman (Sabanci University, Turkey), “JADE: ICT for Independent Living of Elderly“: Sezerman_DemAAL2013

Prof. Alan Smeaton (Dublin City University, Ireland), “Introduction and Overview of Sensing Technologies for Monitoring Human Behaviour“: Smeaton_DemAAL2013

Mr. Alex Sorin (IBM Research Haifa, Israel), “Voice analytics for dementia symptoms assessment“: Sorin_DemAAL2013

Assoc. Prof. Kåre Synnes (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden), “Social Sensing – utilizing Individual Communication Patterns for Cognitive Interventions“: Synnes_DemAAL2013

Prof. Magda Tsolaki (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Greek Federation of Alzheimer’s Disease), “Alzheimer’s Disease and the need of New Technologies“: Tsolaki_DemAAL2013