Exploitation of AI for the protection of the natural resources in the ADRION region
SAFEguardinG pUblic spAces through intelligent thReat Detection tools
ENhanced AI-baSEd cybercriMe-oriented collaBorative investigation technologies and capabiLitiEs
Assessment of Learning technologies and Frameworks for Intelligent and Ethical AI
Intelligent & Digital Roadway Infrastructure for Vehicles Integrated with Next-Gen Technologies
Hyper-Distributed Artificial Intelligence Platform for Network Resources Automation and Management Towards More Efficient Data Processing Applications
Intelligent and Sustainable Building Management powered by Cross-Sectoral Lifecycle
REal-time ArtifiCial InTellIgence for BOrders Surveillance via RPAS data aNalytics to support Law Enforcement Agencies
Holistic Capability and Technology Evaluation and Co-creation Framework for Upskilled First Responders and Enhanced CBRN-E Response
Covert and Advanced multi-modal Sensor Systems for tArget acquisiTion and reconnAissance
Accelarating the sustainable production of advanced biofuels and RFNBOs – from feedstock to end-use
CustOms exteNded iNteroperablE Common informaTiOn shaRing environment
AI-based framework for supporting micro (and small) HSPs on the report and removaL of onLIne tErroriSt content
BeOpen - an Open framework for boosting EU High ValueDatasets from Public Sector
Improving ClimAte Resilience of crItical Assets
Protecting the EuRopean terrItory from organised enVironmentAl crime through inteLLigent threat detectiON tools
Dynamic Resilience Assessment Method including combined Business Continuity Management and Cyber Threat Intelligence solution for Critical Sectors
Holistic framework for the MatUrity evaLuaTIon of ReAdiness level for security TEchnologies
Retune the Soundscape of future cities through art and science collaboration
Limiting online sexual Exploitation and Abuse Gender based on Underaged boys by Educating experts
Cut the Cord
aN Enhanced pre-frontier intelligence picture to Safeguard The EurOpean boRders
A platform for virtual-interactive commercial exhibitions
SECurity And privacy protectioN in Internet of Things devices
Copernicus Artificial Intelligence Services and data fusion with other distributed data sources and processing at the edge to support DIAS and HPC infrastructures
Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe
A system platform that enhances the situational awareness and support Ship’s Security Stakeholders to the execution of their duties referring to the Ship's Security Plan
ICT Enabled Services for Migration
Open interoperable platform for unified access and analysis of Earth Observation data