
What is 3D IVUS-ANGIO tool?

3D IVUS ConsoleAn integrated tool that enables a complete analysis of both angiography and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image sequences, either in DICOM video or JPEG format. Angiography images are analyzed through an intuitive point-and-click interface for accurate vessel wall and IVUS catheter (pullback path) detection. The tool includes functionalities like image enhancement controls and integrated video player to assist the user with this process. IVUS images are segmented to accurately obtain the luminal and media-adventitia boundaries contours in an automated manner with minimal user intervention through an advanced detection algorithm, fully customizable to adapt to any IVUS sequence. Test cases have shown that automatic segmentation of IVUS images can be as much as 10 times faster than fully manual segmentation, thus saving time for practitioners and leading to faster diagnosis for patients. After the release of version 2.0 (June 2011) the tool supports real 3D reconstruction of the vessel in almost real-time. No need for third party tools anymore. Reduce your working hours dramatically and get realistic results in 3D at lighting-fast speed.



The IVUS-ANGIO tool can be used as stand-alone or for a variety of applications combined with other software (please note that from version 2.0RC we have integrated the 3D vessel reconstruction inside the tool in a ALL-IN-ONE manner). One application is the accurate three dimensional reconstruction of the catheter path through the processed angiography images and placement of the detected IVUS boundaries on the 3D path. The final 3D model of the artery is obtained through developed extensions to Rhino3D© software package. The generated 3D model can be analyzed in a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis software for evaluation of critical blood flow parameters.


3D Artery Model application screenshots