Associated partners in projects do not receive funding directly from the European Union but are linked to us through their expertise and interest in the technologies developed under DigiArt.have also provided test scenarios and feedback for the project.


Poulton Research Project


In 1995 the Poulton Project started with an interest in developing a multi-period archaeological landscape investigation in the Chester hinterland. Liverpool John Moores has close ties with the Poulton Research Project. Several researchers have conducted research on the human collections and the site offers invaluable training in archaeology.




The Monster Garden, Bomarzo


The Sacro Bosco, colloquially called Park of the Monsters, also named Garden of Bomarzo, is a Manieristic monumental complex located in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, in northern Lazio, Italy. The garden was created during the 16th century.





The Norton Priory Museums and Gardens

slider-haltonNorton Priory is a historic site in Norton, Runcorn, Cheshire, England, comprising the remains of an abbey complex dating from the 12th to 16th centuries, and an 18th-century country house; it is now museum. Halton Castle is in the care of the museum and a few miles away from the museum. The aim is to bring a virtual model of the castle to the museum.




Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences, Brusselsrbins

The Museum of Natural Sciences is a museum in the Belgian capital of Brussels dedicated to natural history. Under the project Agora 3D the museum staff have been evaluating and comparing 3D imaging technology for research conservation and display of museum collections