
Dr. Lilley received his PhD in 1999 for work on 3D optical human body measurement in radiotherapy and now leads LJMU-GERI’s Coherent & Electro-Optics Group (CEORG). He is an Engineer with over twenty years’ research experience in optics and metrology applied to challenges in industrial engineering and medical technology. His expertise lies principally in the realisation of complex optical instruments and he will principally apply this knowledge in workpackage 3 – 3D data acquisition. He has managed, or worked on, several national and EUframework RTD grants, including the EU Framework projects INFOCUS (BMH4950567), ARROW (BMH4983660) and the EPSRC project MEGURATH (EP/D077702/1). He helped found ECSON (EP/F013698/1) and was a Co-Investigator on EPSRC project TeRaFS (EP/H024913/1). He regularly referees for various international journals, sits on several committees/editorial boards and is a grant reviewer for the UK’s EPSRC, BBSRC and the Dept. for Health. He has experience in optical techniques such as; fringe projection, laser metrology, interferometry, holography, holometry, fibre optic sensors and advanced microscopy. Dr Lilley has authored over 70 papers, 2 books and has successfully supervised 9 PhD students to completion.