This virtual museum is currently being developed by the Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology (RCEAP) in collaboration with DigiArt.

The museum is a showcase of the work by anthropologists at LJMU on skeletal material housed in their university collections. Because we don’t have an exhibition space, the virtual museum allows you, the public, to see things normally hidden away in our collections and to engage with our research.

The virtual museum provides you a chance to find out about the ever-evolving field of anthropology and will be expanded in the future to showcase other aspects of our exciting research on humans in the past. With interactive displays including 3D models you will be able to view things as if they are right in front of you.

It uses assets created for DigiArts virtual museum game and re purposes them to show how they can be used in a website to provide an entertaining and educational experience online.