hackAIR ABox Ontology

Current version:
Marina Riga (mriga@iti.gr)
Multimedia Knowledge and Social Media Analytics Laboratory - MKLab (http://mklab.iti.gr/)
Imported Ontologies:


The hackAIR ontology was created by the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) under the framework of the hackAIR project (GA 688363), supported through the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme on “Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation”.

The puspose of the hackAIR ontology is to provide an operational framework for the orchestration of heterogeneous (environmental-, health-, user profile- related) data, in order to support user-oriented decision support services. The target is to integrate an ontology-based reasoning module to the hackAIR platform, for environmental information and recommendations delivery with respect to: (i) personal health and user preferences (activities, daily routine, etc.), and (ii) current AQ conditions of the location of interest.

The current version of the hackAIR ontology (version 2.0 – December 2017) consists of three interconnected sub-ontologies: the hackAIR TBox, the hackAIR ABox and the hackAIR SPIN Rules. In this document, we focus on the hackAIR ABox vocabulary and semantics' declarations.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Named Individuals
  3. Annotation Properties
  4. Namespace Declarations


The hackAIR ABox formalises information relevant to membership/attribute assertions, i.e. actual users, observations, etc.

As a reminder, we present in the following figure the main classes and their existing relations, as those are defined by the hackairTBox ontology.

Note: with dashed line we visualise those properties that are inferred via rules and with solid line those that should be directly declared.

Named Individuals

asthmani back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#respiratory_disease_related_health_problem_Asthma

An instance of class Health Problem for representing Asthma in the ontology.

belongs to
health problemc

degree Celsiusni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#degreeC

The unit of measurement for temperature.

belongs to

grain per cubic meterni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#grainPerCubicMeter

The grain per cubic meter density measurement unit is used to measure volume in cubic meters in order to estimate weight or mass in grains.

belongs to

kilometer per hourni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#kilometerPerHour

The unit of speed expressing the number of kilometres travelled in one hour.

belongs to

location_1ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#location1

An example instance of class Location.

belongs to
location cityc

location_2ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#location2

An example instance of class Location.

belongs to
location cityc

micorgram per cubic meterni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#microGramPerCubicMeter

The microgram per cubic meter is a measurement unit of density used to measure volume in cubic meters in order to estimate weight or mass in micrograms.

belongs to

percentageni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#percentage

A percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.

belongs to

PM10 environmental data for location_2ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#PM10_envdata_for_location2

An instance of class Air Pollutant Environmental Data representing the PM10 measurement of Location_2.

belongs to
air pollutant environmental datac

PM10 environmental data value for location_2ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#PM10_envdata_value_for_location2

An instance of class Air Pollutant Value representing the actual value of PM10 measurement of Location_2.

belongs to
air pollutant valuec

PM10 fused environmental data for location_1ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#PM_fused_envdata_for_location1

An instance of class Air Pollutant Environmental Data representing the PM10 fused measurement of Location_1.

belongs to
air pollutant environmental datac

PM10 fused environmental data value for location_1ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#PM_fused_envdata_value_for_location1

An instance of class Air Pollutant Value representing the actual value of PM10 fused measurement of Location_1.

belongs to
air pollutant valuec

request from user_1ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#request_from_user1

An example instance of class Request with one direct and one indirect profile.

belongs to

request from user_2ni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#request_from_user2

An example instance of class Request with one direct profile.

belongs to

secondni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#second

The second is the base unit of time in the International System of Units (SI). It is qualitatively defined as the second division of the hour by sixty.

belongs to

user_1 profileni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#user1_profile

An example instance of class Person representing a 47 years old woman, who has asthma. She usually works outdoors and likes to move by bike. She has also defined a related profile for which recommendations should be provided.

belongs to

user_1 related profileni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#user1_related_profile

An example instance of class Person representing a related profile of a direct user. This profile describes a 16 years old male person who is doing outdoor sports. Also, he is interested to go for picnic.

belongs to

user_2 profileni back to ToC or Named Individual ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairABox#user2_profile

An example instance of class Person representing a 32 years old woman, who has health sensitivities and is also pregnant. She usually enjoys walking. She defines the German language as her preferred one.

belongs to

Annotation Properties

belongs to sensitive groupap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#belongsToSensitiveGroup

has ageap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasAge

has air pollutant typeap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasAirPollutantType

has environmental dataap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasEnvironmentalData

has environmental data natureap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasEnvironmentalDataNature

has environmental data typeap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasEnvironmentalDataType

has genderap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasGender

has locationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasLocation

has nameap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasName

has numerical valueap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasNumericalValue

has preferred activityap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasPreferredActivity

has preferred languageap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasPreferredLanguage

has related personap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasRelatedPerson

has unitap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasUnit

has unit symbolap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasUnitSymbol

has value valueap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#hasValueValue

involves environmental dataap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#involvesEnvironmentalData

involves locationap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#involvesLocation

involves personap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#involvesPerson

is doing sportsap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#isDoingSports

is pregnantap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#isPregnant

is sensitive toap back to ToC or Annotation Property ToC

IRI: http://mklab.iti.gr/hackair/ontologies/hackairTBox#isSensitiveTo

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni.
