Technical Committee 14
Signal Analysis for Machine Intelligence



NG Sim datasets Traffic data, free registration required.

Space time texture data Temporal textures.

Anomalous behavior dataset Anomalous behavior dataset.

Robo-kitchen datasets Daily kitchen activities dataset.

Pedestrian datasets Pedestrian datasets with varying flow.

Surveillance, consumer, medical datasets Datasets for surveillance, consumer, medical applications.

Video database for human motion HMDB: a large video database for human motion recognition

Seniors Monitoring dataset Daily Activities of seniors for Seniors Monitoring

Yahoo datasets Language Data, Graph and Social Data, Ratings Data, Advertising and Market Data, Competition Data

SUN Database: Large-scale Scene Recognition from Abbey to Zoo 899 categories and 130,519 images. We use 397 well-sampled categories to evaluate numerous state-of-the-art algorithms

Activities Dataset Videoweb activities dataset.

Crowds dataset Videos of many kinds of crowds.

Pics 'n' Trails dataset Photos captured over a year with GPS data.

rar file with realistic Human Actions Rar file with videos of realistic Human Actions collected from youtube. Related website:

MIT Mouse Behavior Recognition 10 hours video of continuous labeled mice behavior and 4200 short clips of single action.

DynTex: Dynamic Textures Database Dynamic Textures Database, for each sequence we offer an XML-description characterizing both its content, as well as the context in which it was recorded

Columbia Object Image Library 7200 color images of 100 objects used for real-time object recognition

The INRIA Holidays dataset Holidays dataset for evaluation of image search

SNAP Network Datasets The university of Stanford offers a quite impressive collection of network datasets.

TUM Kitchen Data Set The TUM Kitchen Data Set for markerless human motion capture, motion segmentation and human activity recognition.

DAI-Labor Two datasets: 1) Delicious: This dataset contains all public bookmarks of about 950,000 users (Dec 07-Apr 08). 2) The Slashdot Zoo: Social network with 78,000 users and 510,000 relationships of the types friend and foe.

PASCAL Object recognition databases and challenge

CoPhIR 106 million images

Tagora project A lot of web and social media data

NUS-WIDE ~250.000 Flickr images with tags, low-level features and ground truth for 81 concepts

MIRFLICKR-25000 Image Collection 25000 Flickr images with tags, metadata in EXIF format and annotations

MUSCLE database

MSRA Multimedia Dataset Please contact the dataset chair (Meng Wang: to request the data. MSRA-MM Version 2 dataset (10 times larger with more metadata) will be ready around June 15. Please submit your request to the dataset chair.

Machine Learning Datasets UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository (177 data sets)

ImageNet Image database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy (currently only the nouns), in which each node of the hierarchy is depicted by hundreds and thousands of images (currently 3.247.902 images, 5247 synsets)

IAPR TC-12 dataset 20.000 images manually segmented and annotated at region level

Caltech256 Collection of 30.607 images with 256 object categories

IJCV-Data Dataset of 1.014 images with manual segmentations and semantic labels for each segment

MSRC 591 images with 23 object classes

HOHA datasets Human Actions and Scenes datasets & Space-Time Interest Points

CVLAB EPFL Multi-view evaluation Stereo face database, Multi-view stereo, Multi-camera pedestrians video, Multi-view Car Dataset, Deformable Surface Reconstruction, Local Keypoint and Optical Flow Evaluation

NTUA - Action Recognition Dense saliency-based spatiotemporal feature points for action recognition

Computer Vision Datasets A Collection of Datasets

Apidis Dataset Apidis project basketball dataset

LEAR LEAR collection of datasets and Images - Soccer, Horse, Hollywood

VISOR VIdeo Surveillance Online Repository - A collection of surveillance videos

PEIPA Dataset A database consist of Faces and Facial Expressions, Handwriting, Medical, Motion, Object Recognition, Surveillance Images, etc.

Mammie Considerable amount of audiovisual material taken from some of the major European and Asian broadcasters archives is available for experimentation

Basket events dataset Probabilistic event logic for interval based event detection

Oxford VGG dataset Dataset including landmarks, segmented objects etc

Event Recognition The datasets include streams of derived events that are used for the recognition of composite events of interest.

INEX MM image collection This wikipedia image collection contains approximately 150,000 images that cover diverse topics of interest These images are associated with unstructured and noisy textual annotations in English.

Hellenic Dermatological ATLAS 2595 images

ICPR - HARL 2012 Human activities recognition and localization competition

CANTATA project Datasets (sets & metadata & ground truth & metrics...) for three different domains: surveillance, consumer electronic and medical.

3DPES PEople Surveillance Dataset 3D People Dataset for Surveillance and Forensics.

Hollywood2 action dataset Video samples from movies for action recognition.

Olympic Sports action dataset Youtube retrieved videos depicting sport actions from olympic games.

UCF sports dataset Sport videos for action recognition, download:

URADL action dataset Static camera videos depicting several actions.

KTH action dataset 2391 sequences for action recognition.

Weizmann action dataset Static camera action dataset.

Youtube action dataset Youtube retrieved videos for action recognition.

ICPR2012 Kitchen dataset RGB and Depth camera samples for kitchen action recognition.