The Threat of Behavioral Radicalization Online: Conceptual Challenges and Technical Solutions Provided by the PROPHETS (Preventing Radicalization Online through the Proliferation of Harmonized ToolkitS) Project
R. Karlović, H. Nitsch, S. E. Fikenscher, D. Osterman, S. Menexis, T. Tsikrika, S. Vrochidis, I. Kompatsiaris,and A. Sahar (2022). “The Threat of Behavioral Radicalization Online: Conceptual Challenges and Technical Solutions Provided by the PROPHETS (Preventing Radicalization Online through the Proliferation of Harmonized ToolkitS) Project”. In G. Markarian, R. Karlovic, H. Nitsch and K. Chandramouli (eds.) Security Technologies and Social Implications: A European Perspective. (accepted for publication)