DigiArt project has designed an Open Lab plan that was executed with primary school children. We have addressed to the Municipality Library of Thermi in Greece, and co-operatively applied for sponsorship from a local telecommunication company, namely COSMOTE that offered the equipment. The equipment constituted by a laptop and a 3D printer (Craftbot+) was installed in the library. The designed open lab allow the children to learn about 3D technologies in archaeology such as photogrammetry, 3D design and 3D printing.

More information : https://bibliothermi.blogspot.com/2018/11/3d.html?fbclid=IwAR0J9EcFPMlR9uurWRrPCE05HIbbo2dbyZD-zGes6ksFRlHimWdNIskjol0

During the extension period (November 2018).