MKLab Participating in PERICLES PhD Course
MKLab enthusiastically participates in the PhD course "Dynamics of Knowledge Organization" that is funded by the PERICLES FP7 project and is organized by the School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås.
The 2-month course started on 6-Dec and involves 8 students from around Europe, who will undergo intensive lectures, seminars and labs, where they will also have the opportunity to play around with PERICLES software tools.
The course focuses on the nature and role of knowledge organization in a rapidly changing digital world. It stresses that time series of content, prominently semantic content, have become the subject of intensive interest over the past two decades for as diverse subject areas as digital preservation, knowledge engineering, data science, natural language processing, or document engineering, to name but a few. Therefore this dynamics is important for Library and Information Science as well because it influences our understanding of knowledge organization in a fundamental way.
Depending on the outcomes of the course, we will consider producing a MOOC with the same topic on Udemy.