This year we invite summer school participants to submit short papers on topics about Information Access. We particularly encourage masters and doctoral students to outline their research topic, questions and progress. The Symposium provides an excellent opportunity for students to provide pointers to their work and obtain experience in presenting and communicating their research.

We especially encourage submissions on formative research ideas which present a summary of their doctoral work, initial empirical findings/ pilot studies, explore conceptual and/or theoretical models, and/or describe current challenges and opportunities. Submissions focusing on new directions and emerging work in Information Access/Retrieval which create discussion and provoke reaction are strongly encouraged. Note the work need not be original and can be a summary of past and current work.

Areas of research include, but are not limited to:

  • Information Retrieval
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Multimedia and Multimodal
  • Knowledge Management
  • Recommender Systems
  • Databases

All papers will be peer reviewed by at least one senior researcher on the Programme Committee. Papers should be 2-4 pages in length, and be submitted in Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC) Format using the Word or Latex templates. Submissions should be converted to PDF.

We strongly encourage students to submit as a solo author papers. A selection of papers will be invited to give a short oral presentation, while all participants will be asked to present a poster.

ESSIR participants who will submit FDIA papers will be given priority for the ESSIR scholarships.